

In order to earn ITA Scholar-Athlete status, a player must meet be a varsity letter winner and have a grade point average of at least 3.50 (on a 4.00 scale) for the current academic year.

ITA Scholar-Athletes
Jess Dawson/Junior/Accounting
Alexa Griffith/Junior/Philosophy
Macy Hitchcock/Freshman/Undeclared
Marissa Pennings/Junior/Economics
Ellie Schulson/Junior/Business Administration
Sara Snyder/Junior/Health Sciences
Grace Thomas/Junior/Neuroscience
Maeve Thornton/Freshman/Undeclared

ITA Scholar-Athletes
Walker Allen, Freshman, Physics
Cole Burnam, Junior, Business Administration
Leonardo Dal Boni, Freshman, Undeclared
Thomas Kennedy, Sophomore, Undeclared
Elijah Poritzky, Junior, Communication Studies
John Rado, Junior, Business Administration
Cole Rigsby, Senior, Chemistry
Emil Westling, Senior, Applied Mathematics


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Brandon Todd